onsdag 22 september 2010

Ending up in Kalix

Left Umeå this morning with a free rental car(hertz freerider) to skellefteå and then bus to Kalix. I had planned to go to Haparanda but the hostel was fully booked so stopped in Kalix and are staying at a folkhögskola that also is a hostel.
Kalix seems to be a very quiet small town with a shoppingmall, a hamburger rest (but no Max?) and the traditionall youngster with volvo´s.
Umea was sweet with good friends, beer on rooftops, old waterpowerplants, bicyclerides, moving a piano and hanging.
My visa card stopped working in Umeå and i went to Handelsbanken and they told me that they would send it to Gbg in 4 days NOOO. But eventually it turned out that they could send it to Haparanda so that it would be there tomorrow or friday at last. So Haparanda tomorrow!

Umeå people not liking rasism, SD and the electionresult.

Drinking beer on rooftops in Umeå

Checking out Umeälven

Meeting Buddha in a deserted turbinehall at umeälven.¨

Driving to skellefteå

Kalixälven by night.(or evening)

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